Aug 28Vote No on Prop 1 on National Women's Equality Day Sash, from to Coalition to Protect Kids - NY, raises giant RED FLAG on why Prop 1 is dangerous for women and girls rights.
Aug 14New York Already has an Equal Rights AmendmentIf Prop 1 is passed it will essentially ERAse women New York State currently has an Equal Rights Amendment. In fact, it's not broken and...
Aug 12Diving Deeper: Five Things You Need To NOLet’s take a moment and ask ourselves some questions about what it means to be able to “discriminate” based on things like age and gender id
Aug 11NY Post NAILS ITShould New York States Prop 1 pass this November, it "would not only write the most extreme “trans rights” into the state Constitution
Aug 2New York Prop 1 DetailsBelow is Section 1, Article 11 of the New York State Constitution with the proposed changes under Prop One denoted in bold.
Aug 1Uncover the Hidden Dangers of the ERAOnce you understand the real-life, legal ramifications of this poorly written one-size-fits-all amendment, you’ll quickly understand just ho